Dino Lights

  • The lamps are available in different sizes and power. Each group “column” has a swivel mechanism.
  • The Dino Light has a switch for each bulb, the brutes are switchable in pairs with one auxiliary bulb

Space Lights

  • The Space Light provides overall scattered light for interior scenes. Excellent for 'exterior' settings where they simulate skylight, or large-area lighting; its use for most interiors is questionable. 
  • Spacelights are commonly hung throughout a very large set to fill the space with a general soft overhead illumination.

Kino Flo Lights

Kino Flo designs all of its unique fluorescent lighting systems for motion picture, TV and commercial production.

True match lamp color is uniquely formulated by Kino Flo Lights to match the spectral sensitivity curves of film and digital imaging equipment. High output tungsten and daylight versions  are available in sizes, and yet the quality stays consistent.


We are the most complete, most comprehensive, updated film facility and rental house in East Africa. We have professional and